Presentation and test of SmartphoneRTK - App
The communication between the smartphone and an external GNSS receiver is done via Bluetooth.
The raw data of the receiver, which can be evaluated in the SmartphoneRTK, is processed as a simple (Single)-GNSS solution, as DGNSS solution with correction data or own base station or as PPP solution.
Indoor 3D Mapping with VolksBot, 3D laser scanner and NAVKArine-MSM
This short animation shows a 3D point cloud map of the HSKA Building-B ground floor mapped with
the Multi sensor self-referenceing 3D mapping platform NAVKArine-MSM developed at HSKA under the MSM project "MSM - Multisensor Selfreferencing 3D-Mapping System",
funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and Art (MWK) in the frame of the "Innovative Projects"
research program.