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Flight Control & Navigation for scalable and arbitrarily dimensioned UAV and manned Volocopters
Poster presentation at the 7th German-Brazilian Symposium, University Heidelberg, 4th - 10th Oktober 2015
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Presentation of new NAVKA-Robinette-Tools
For the Texxmo Robinette two new Software-Tools have been created by the NAVKA-Team.
NavSensorEvaluation |
Robinette Viewer |
The tools can be downloaded. Additionally under the link more information/manuals regarding the tools are given.
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Autonomous Indoornavigation with a LowCost-INS-System
A navigation solution which is completely independent from extern aiding sensors you can see in the video here.
Position and orientation is calculated from the INS sensors of a Galaxy-SII smartphone which is mounted on a persons foot. Additionally an algorithm runs to detect the Zero-Velocity phases of the foot. If a Zero-Velocity phase is detected the navigation state is corrected with this additional information and sensor specific errors can be estimated.
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INTERGEO 2013, 10th Oktober, Essen
Participation on "Forum für Satellitennavigation - Moderne Lösung für Ortung und Kartographie"
with presentation of Prof. Dr.-Ing. R. Jäger
"Mehr als Positionierung - Präzise out-/indoor Navigation mit verteilten Sensoren".
Presentation archive is here available.
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European World Population Protection Conference 2013, 18./19. September, Bonn
Presentation of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reiner Jäger:
"Nahtlose Out- und Indoornavigation für Personentracking und Visualisierung – Innovative Systementwicklungen für Katastrophen- und Rettungsmanagement in Gefahrengebieten und Gebäuden"
Lecture programme is available here.
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6. German-Brazilian Symposium of Sustainability 2013, Santarém
Partisipation in 6. German-Brazilian Symposium 2013 in Santaram.
Book of abstracts is available here.